
Why Your Website has to be Mobile Friendly in 2015

Why Your Website has to be Mobile Friendly in 2015
January 27, 2015

As you know, mobile devices are everywhere. If you take a look around in public, you’ll see almost everyone using a mobile device. In this article, we’ll take a look at the mobile landscape and what we can expect to happen in 2015. Then we’ll discuss the most pertinent reasons that your website needs to be mobile friendly. Keep reading.

Statistics on Mobile Usage Are Astounding

In a 2014 study conducted by Qualcomm, 5,000 individuals were survey on their mobile phone usage. As you might of heard from a 2013 study by Pew Research, 56 percent of American adults are smartphone users. But, this more recent Qualcomm study dives in even deeper to just how attached adults are to their mobile devices. Read the following statistics and you’ll see exactly why your website needs to be mobile friendly in 2015.

-29% said their mobile phone is the first and last thing they look at every day

-65% said their mobile phones make them better parents

-76% believe that being constantly connected through technology is helpful

-46% browse the internet on their mobile device at least twice per week

-12% shop online on their mobile device at least twice per week

 Mobile Usage is Widespread and Growing

As we’ve seen from the statistics above, people are very reliant on their mobile devices. They use them to shop and browse the internet. As smartphones continue to grow in popularity across the country and the world, you’re website needs to be mobile friendly to accommodate this change.

As a business owner, your website needs to be mobile friendly in order to make a profit online. If you haven’t yet set your site up to be compatible with mobile, you’re missing a lot of potential sales and profits and 2015 is the year for you to make the shift.

If you’re website is not mobile friendly, visitors might get frustrated with your site design. It can be very difficult to locate things on a mobile device if your site is optimized for a desktop computer. You want the user experience to be very smooth and seamless. If it’s not, customers will likely be lost in the chaos and simply find someone else to give their money to.

If you want your business to compete in 2015, you need to have a mobile friendly website. If you have any questions on how to do this or want someone to do it for you, please contact us today.

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