
Planning Your Small Business Marketing Strategy for 2015

Trends for 2015
November 8, 2014

With Thanksgiving and the holidays right around the corner, thoughts start to turn to a new year with exciting possibilities. Now is the ideal time to plan your small business marketing strategy for 2015. With just a couple of months left of 2014, you can assess your victories and pitfalls to develop better ways to market your business and achieve greater success in 2015.

Location, Location, Location

Mobile marketing is here to stay. The world moves fast and people have grown accustomed to multi-tasking. This means they want information on-the-go. Join the mobile marketing movement in 2015. Tailor some of your marketing efforts to local prospects. Text message marketing is a way to reach out to people using smartphones and iPods. Get your business listed in local directories. Focus certain SEO marketing campaigns on your regional area. You want people who are looking for businesses in you area to find yours. It is an important niche you need to focus on in the future.

Mean What You Say and Say What You Mean

The days of spun content stuffed with keywords have been gone for years. There is no fast track to success when it comes to content marketing. If you are not a great writer, it’s time to enlist the assistance of someone who knows how to write well. While your content doesn’t have to be award-winning, it should speak to your readers and provide useful information. People instantly recognize fluff and refuse to waste their timing reading it. Give your readers the facts they want and present them in a way that is easy to understand. Revamp your web content and blog to offer high level content people want to read and share. Be patient and realize this strategy can take months to yield measurable results.

Keep an Eye on Your Social Life

Our parents and grandparents still remember the importance of sharing a martini lunch while discussing business. There were also times when major deals were closed on a golf course. Personal meetings are still important but our business world has become international. This means it is crucial to create a unique presence on social media. You want to reach beyond your immediate prospects to connect with people all over the country or even all over the globe. Use social media for more than sharing your latest blog posts. Interact with followers and ask their opinions. You can even host chats to get to know people better and encourage them to get to know you better, too.

Pass the Smaller Torches

Marketing is a multi-faceted task since the advent of the internet and the increased use of mobile devices. Most companies have a diverse marketing approach that includes printed materials, radio and television time as well as a variety of online presences on websites, social media sites and via email. It is impossible for one or two people to keep up with everything. Learn how to outsource certain marketing tasks to a seasoned professional. Let them take over the routine job of marketing while you continue to focus on innovative ways to build your business. Share your goals with your marketing team so they can tailor campaigns to promote your latest agenda.

Dance with a Penguin

Instead of dreading the latest Google updates, learn how to avoid potential problems. There is no such as thing as cheap or easy SEO. Shoddy links, crappy content and outdated campaigns are sure to get your business downgraded or omitted from search engine results. Have a link detox performed on your business to ensure you don’t have links out there that could hurt your search engine standing. Strive for quality rather than quantity as you strive to build a solid online presence that will stand the test of time – as well as survive the latest Google updates.

Don’t Be a Sore Loser

Forbes published an excellent article outlining commons traits of businesses that are sure to lead them to failure in 2015. For example, focus on your area of expertise rather than trying to appeal to all customers. Be creative and invent new ways to make your business bigger and better. Expect the competition to keep moving forward and be prepared to keep up with the pace. Know what your clients want and strive to deliver it. Break out of old patterns that could be holding your business back. Sometimes we have to take two steps back to see what we are doing wrong to forge ahead with a more effective business plan for the future.

[box type=”shadow”]Main Takeaway: The past three years have shown incredible growth in the marketing field. It is essential to revamp your marketing strategies to remain relevant in 2015. Engage in social media, provide superior content and learn how to appear in local search results to stay ahead of the curve.[/box]

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