Blogging is daunting, but when executed effectively solid content can attract attention. Increased awareness and traffic can grown a business and expand the reach of a brand. Find out some simple tips to take your business blog to the next level and attract attention for your brand.
1. Use a Conversational Tone
Forget all about the formality around writing you were taught in school. When writing a business blog write in a conversational tone. Grammar and structure still apply, but drop the corporate feel. Avoid overused buzzwords and use contractions, such as they’re and it’s when applicable. This is a more comfortable and informal way of communication and your readers will find it easier to relate to your message.
2. Write for Readers
The ultimate goal of a business blog is to generate sales, but this is achieved through an indirect method. Sales oriented copy is not necessarily that interesting and engaging for readers. When a blog is perpetually pushing a sales message readers will be unlikely to return. Drop the sales pitch and write content your customers want to read. Your customers understand your objective is to sell them a product or service, so it isn’t necessary to spell it out for them.
Let Readers Know What They Stand to Gain
Zero in on your demographic and write specially to that target audience. Explain what your readers can possibly gain by working with you and the value you provide. Continually providing useful information and advice will establish your brand as a reliable source and readers will return again and again for more useful guidance.
3. Be Brief
Avoid long sentences and lengthy blocks of text. Readers may be more likely to bail on a blog post if it goes on and on. Also keep in mind that a fair amount of people are reading blogs on smartphones and tablets. Small screens are not conducive to big blocks of text. Readers don’t want to be bogged down with lots of words, so keep it concise and to the point.
Break Up Content Into Manageable Sections
Use headings and subheadings to break text up into small sections that are easy to get through. Numbered lists provide a natural break for headings while also engaging with a reader. When the reader knows there are seven points on the list they can gauge their progress as they read the post. This makes it easier for readers to commit to a post and see it through to the end.
4. Headlines Matter
Good headlines need a hook that pull readers in. A high-quality headline, or blog post title, attracts attention and sparks reader’s curiosity. Promise a benefit and use emotional words to appeal to readers. Titles should be concise and not too long, or a reader will lose interest.
5. Write a Captivating Opening Paragraph
The opening paragraph needs to continue the job the headline started and peak the reader’s interest. A quality opening paragraph will identify the problem the post sets out to solve, provide a solution to that problem and promise that the solution is easy.
Make Your Voice Heard
Your blog post has a ton of competition in the form of email and social media notifications and other alerts. The introductory paragraph needs to be so compelling that if a reader receives an alert or notification they decide to wait on that and continue reading.
6. Call to Action
The closing needs to tie everything up neatly. Use this space to inspire your reader to take what they just learned and put it into action. Simply explaining a benefit and providing a solution isn’t enough. Motivate your reader to take the leap and implement the tips and tactics you provided.
7. Stay Connected
The conclusion of a business blog post is also a great time to provide your contact information. Being proactively available establishes your brand as friendly and approachable. Let readers know they can reach out if they have questions or want to learn more and give readers the opportunity to sign up for your email list. This gives readers the chance to stay in the loop and learn even more useful tips and tricks by reading your blog. The bigger your email list the larger your reach.
Next Level Content
A business blog is a great way to reach both existing and potential customers and keep them interested and engaged with your brand. Structure your message and content to appeal to readers, so they will find value and a solution to a problem in each blog post. Implementing these tips will encourage readers to come back for more useful information and help grow your business.
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