
3 Simple Ways to Generate More Leads on Twitter

3 Simple Ways to Generate More Leads on Twitter
June 17, 2016

Social media provides you with the perfect platform to interact with consumers on a more casual level than you may have the chance to do during the normal course of business. Each social media platform holds a different potential for you to interact with customers while expanding your reach further into a particular target market segment. You need to provide content that helps you stand out in the crowd. This requires materials that will make customers sit up and take notice of the benefit that you provide.

Other social media giants, such as Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn are great platforms for capturing leads and taking the necessary first steps towards converting those leads into loyal customers. That same opportunity exists with Twitter. Opportunities such as the use of hashtags places your brand in front of new market segments, which works to increase the number of consumers who recognize you and understand what exactly it is that you do.

Hashtags also work to give you a chance to join industry conversations as well. You can look at the discussion relating to a certain hashtag and find out the challenge that your target market audience is experiencing at the moment. You can then take that information and create lead generation content to share on Twitter. Consumers will start to take notice of what you are sharing and they will seek you out when a problem arises. You become an authority figure in their eyes.

Working to generate leads on Twitter can be slightly overwhelming at first. You are not the only one who feels this way. A majority of companies find Twitter to be a bit more difficult to understand at first. Here are three ways that you can use Twitter to help generate new leads for your company.

1. Lead Generation Cards

Twitter provides you with an opportunity to attract the attention of your target market audience and prompt them to take further action with you. The creation of lead cards allow you to include a multimedia element in your tweets that captures customer information when they express an interest in the content you are sharing. It is your chance to break free of the standard 140 character limit that Twitter imposes and share an exceptional piece of content with your followers.

Lead generation cards are simple to set up and even easier for your customers to use on their end. You start by creating a promotional tweet focusing on a call-to-action you want customers to take that will add value to their life. For example, if you are giving away something for free, simply create tweet content detailing the offer. Then include a link that takes the customers straight to the lead card area where they can enter their personal information. You then take the information given to follow through on your offer for a free product or service.

The lead generation card is part of Twitter’s promoted tweet marketing program. Which means that you can’t create a lead generation card from your Twitter dashboard as you would with another general tweet you were preparing to send out. You need to go into the Twitter Ads section to start creating a lead generation card. Once there, follow the set of directions below to create your first Twitter lead card.

1. Click on the ‘Creatives’ tab that appears on the navigation menu and select ‘cards’.

2. On the card creation page, click on ‘create your first lead generation card.’

3. Fill in the information in the form.

4. When you have everything in the form correctly, click the ‘tweets’ tab and select ‘Compose Tweet.’

5. Select the card you want to use as an attachment and add it to your tweet message.

6. Send your tweet out into the social media community.

As your followers begin to interact with the lead card you create, Twitter provides you with analytical data that is useful in determining how successful your lead generation card campaign is performing. The main key to creating successful lead generation cards is providing your potential customers with an offer they simply can’t refuse. You want to create an offer so compelling that consumers feel certain that they are going to miss out on something big if they fail to click on your link right away.

Twitter lead cards are beneficial in helping you capture new leads for your company mostly because they are easy for consumers to use. Their participation in the call-to-action does not require them to leave Twitter and go to another page online. They remain right where they are and just provide a few contact details. In return, they receive a free product or other promotional item from your business as a type of ‘thank you’ for taking part in your campaign.

2. Call-to-Action in Twitter Bio

When a potential customer arrives on  your Twitter profile page, the first point of interest is going to be your biography. The consumer will want to learn more about you, your company and the products or services that you offer. Take advantage of this opportunity by offering new visitors a reason to take further action with your company. An excellent way to accomplish this is by adding a clear, concise call-to-action request in your bio.

Think about the next step that you want a potential customer coming o you for the first time to take. Put yourself in the shoes of that future client for a moment and ask yourself what prompts that person to arrive on your Twitter profile page in the first place. Decide what problem that person may be facing and then look at how your product or service solves that problem. Your answer needs to be the central focus of your call-to-action request.

Place your call-to-action request in the main part of your bio alongside relevant information about your company. It is also a good place to highlight your tagline slogan, if you have one, and other information that works to show visitors that you can add value to their experience. Avoid shortening your website URL that appears on your profile page. Consumer like to know where they will land upon clicking a link so having your entire website address on display provides this information for them.

3. Include Images

A picture is worth a thousand words and on Twitter where you only have 140 characters to express yourself at the start, a picture can be very valuable. Images have become such an invaluable tool on Twitter that the social media giant now shows images in Twitter feeds without requiring users to click on the image first. That gives you the opportunity to create an eye-catching tweet that will appear in your followers Twitter feed, prompting them to take notice of your company.
The competition for lead generations on social media sites, such as Twitter, is fierce. You need something that makes you stand out in a sea of tweets that your followers see on an hourly basis. You need to give them a reason to stop scrolling through the rest of their news feed and focus solely on your business. Images will do just that.

You will generate more leads when the photo you use matches the content of the promotional tweet that you are sending out. For example, you want to avoid sending out a tweet announcing the arrival of a new marketing department staff member and then include an image of your warehouse. The irrelevant match between the content and the image sends the message that you do not pay attention to details. That can be enough of a discrepancy to make a potential customer move on to do business with the competition instead.

Provide a steady variety of images along with your tweets to avoid losing the interest of your followers. Think about scrolling through your personal Twitter news feed and how you would likely stop following an account that posts the same, mundane images and tweet content over and over again. Keep it fresh by maintaining a library of images that focus on the following topics.

  • Motivational Quotes
  • Light Humor
  • Product or Service Announcements
  • Behind-the-Scenes Images from Business Operations

You want to keep followers actively engaging with your company by giving them a reason to take further action with you.

Lead generation can be a difficult task to complete through online activity. You have to know what a potential customer is looking for and understand how your product or service can help in that search. You need to actively give potential customers a reason to take the next step with your business, even though they currently know very little about you.

Lead generation on Twitter is about establishing a sense of trust and communicating to the potential client that interacting with your business will not be a waste of time. You want consumers to see a more casual side of you and your business operations. That makes you come across as approachable and consumers look for that quality. Each of these three suggestions work to show you how easy it is to create effective content items that will have your customers taking part in any lead generation activities that you create.


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